Two Are Better Than One

In Ecclesiastes 4 the author is reflecting back and speaking of oppression, having no friends and advancing yet still having meaningless in your life. Most scholars believe King Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes toward the end of his life and he was reflecting back and talking about the lessons he learned. I especially like Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their work: 10 If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! God wants us to fellowship with one another. He wants us to have friends so that we can support each other and work together to better our work. I am reminded of the time when my mother passed away a few years ago. It was a hard time in my life because I loved my mother and did not want to see her go. Yet, I knew she was in heaven rejoicing with Jesus and her mom and dad and siblings who had gone before her. I was sad and was struggling to rejoice in the Godly life she had led. My own family helped me during this time. But it was my friends who were there to support me and pick me up. They brought food for the family, shared in the home going ceremony and listened to my stories about my mom. That’s what Godly friends are about. As I began my walk on Day Two of my journey to be fit (both physically and spiritually) I prayed for a dear sister friend who was in court getting the final ruling on her divorce. She is at peace with her divorce but praying that God will work through the judge to rule in her favor. These are hard times and I lift her up to God during this hour. We are praying together. Two are better than one. And so it is on day two of my walking journey I pray for all my girl friends — that God has favor on them today. And for all women who are struggling I pray that God will send a friend to you to support you and pick you up if that is your need. God bless you all. You are all WINNERS!!!

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